Ilie Bolojan Urges Government to Set Presidential Election Schedule Next Week

The interim chairperson of the National Liberal Paty (PNL), Ilie Bolojan, said that the Government should establish next week the calendar for the presidential elections, so that they can be organized before the Easter holidays, Agerpres reports.

„Regarding Mr. Antonescu’s announcement, I would like to make a few clarifications. The first issue is related to the election calendar, and here I think that Mr. Antonescu is right, if we want, and PNL does want for the presidential elections to be organized as soon as possible. Analyzing the legislative provisions regulating this matter, we have 75 days to establish an electoral calendar before election day. Therefore, if we want these elections to be organized by Easter, this would mean that the second round would be organized before the feast of Palm Sunday, so on April 6, which means that the first round could be on March 23, which would mean that the Romanian Government should adopt this electoral calendar no later than next…

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